Danh mục cán bộ
Chu Diệu Hương
| Họ và tên | PGS.TS Chu Diệu Hương |
Địa chỉ nơi làm việc | Phòng 117 nhà C5 | |
| huong.chudieu@hust.edu.vn | |
Tel | +243 8 68 19 97 | |
Fax | +243 8 69 24 01 | |
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Các công trình nghiên cứu đã công bố: | I.Đề tài NCKH: 1.Chu Diệu Hương. “Hợp tác nghiên cứu sản xuất vải chức năng dược liệu sử dụng công nghệ tạo vi nang”. Đề tài NCKH cấp Nhà nước (Đề tài Nghị định thư Việt – Pháp). Mã số 05/2012/HĐ-NĐT. 2.Chu Diệu Hương. “Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của độ giãn của vải dệt kim Rib đến quá trình thiết kế sản phẩm mặc bó sát” Đề tài NCKH cấp Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo. Mã số B2010-01-344. 3.Chu Diệu Hương “Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của các thông số công nghệ đến độ ổn định kích thước của vải dệt kim”. Đề tài NCKH cấp Trường. Mã số: T2009-106. II. Bài báo 1.Chu Dieu Huong. Nguyen Thi Hang. Effect of loop length on the extension properties of knitted fabric. Journal of Science &Technology Technical University. ISSN 0868-3980, 88(2012), 131-134. 2.Chu Dieu Huong. Dao Thi Chinh Thuy. The dimensional stability of knitted fabric for pressure garment. Journal of Science &Technology Technical Universities. ISSN 0868-3980, 88(2012), 140-144. 3. Dao Thi Chinh Thuy, Chu Dieu Huong. Determining suitable compactness factor of cotton single jersey knitted fabric for their dimensional stability. Journal of Science & Technology Technical Universities. ISSN 0868-3980, 94(2013), 105-110. 4.Chu Dieu Huong, Dam Thi Huyen. Study creep and creep recovery behaviour of knitted fabric. Journal of Science & Technology Technical Universities. ISSN 0868-3980, 94(2013), 100-104. 5.Chu Dieu Huong, Dam Thị Huyen, Vu Xuan Truong. Research on creep relaxation behaviour and relaxation recovery of knitted fabrics. 7th Regional Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing. Engineering RCMME-2014. ISBN: 978-604-911-942-2. Hanoi 10/2014, 215-219. 6.Vu Thi Hong Khanh, Chu Dieu Huong, Ivelin Rahnev. Partial application of the independent indexes by KES-FB to evaluate surface textile product, Part 1: Tensile and Shear Indexes. Journal of Science & Technology Technical Universities. ISSN 0868-3980, 91(2012), 102-108. 7. Vu Thi Hong Khanh, Chu Dieu Huong, Ivelin Rahnev. Partial application of the independent indexes by KES-FB to evaluate surface textile product, Part 2: Compression index. Journal of Science & Technology Technical Universities. ISSN 0868-3980, 92(2013), 90-94. 8. Chu Dieu Huong, Ivelin Rahnev. Evaluation generalized of the Mechanical Resistance of the knitted Fabric at Low-Stress Load. XVII НАУНА КАНФЕРЕНЦИЯ C МЕЖДУНАРОДНО УЧАСТИЕ ЕМФ2012. 16-19 septembre 2012, 226-235. 9. Chu Dieu Huong, Vu Thi Hong Khanh, Nathalie Sintes. Determination of size of ibuprofen microcapsule using for textile application and research influence of stiring speed during microencapsulation on their dimension. Journal of Science & Technology Technical Universities. ISSN 0868-3980, 102(2014), 144-148. 10. Dao Thi Chinh Thuy, Chu Dieu Huong. The Influence of Woven Structure and Yarn Density on Microcapsule Loading Capability of Fabric. 100 (2014), 51-54. 11. Chu Dieu Huong, Dao Thi Chinh Thuy, Nathalie Sintes. Influence yarn type and yarn count on microcapsule loading capacity of fabric. Textile and clothing, ISSN 1310- 912X, 2015, 118-122. 12. Chu Dieu Huong, Nguyen Thi Bich Thuy. Research on the Influence of Structure of Knitted Fabrics on Loading Capability of Microcapsule Using for Medical Textile. 100(2014), 60-63. 13. Chu Dieu Huong. Influence of coating condition on morphology and quality of loaded ibuprofen microcapsule in knitted fabric. Journal of Science & Technology Technical Universities. ISSN 2354-1083 (số cũ ISSN 0868-3980). 112(2016), 105-108. 14. Chu Dieu Huong. Research on released profile of active substance ibuprofen from microcapsule using for medicale application. Journal of Science & Technology Technical Universities. ISSN 2354-1083 (số cũ ISSN 0868-3980), 111(2016), 25-28. 15. Chu Dieu Huong. Research on released profile of active substance ibuprofen from knitted bandage coated by microcapsule. Journal of Science & Technology Technical Universities. ISSN 2354-1083 (số cũ ISSN 0868-3980). 16. Dao Thi Chinh Thuy, Chu Dieu Huong. Investigate the influence of loop length and fabric elongation on transdermal drug released from knitted fabric containing ibuprofen-loaded microcapsule. Journal of Science & Technology Technical Universities. ISSN 2354-1083 (số cũ ISSN 0868-3980), 112(2016), 100-104. 17. Dao Thi Chinh Thuy, Chu Dieu Huong*. The Influence of Loop Length on Microcapsule Loading Capability of Interlock Knitted Fabric. Journal of Science & Technology Technical University. Volume 122, 2017. pp. 67-72. ISSN 2354-1083. 18. Chu Dieu Huong, Dao Thi Chinh Thuy, Nguyen Cau Ban, Duong Cao Thanh. Investigating the physical characteristics of knitted fabrics using for sport legging pants. Kỷ yếu Hội nghị Khoa học toàn quốc về Dệt may – Da giày lần thứ nhất. 2018. 132-134pp. ISSN: 978-604-924-374-5. 19. Dao Thị Chinh Thuy, Chu Dieu Huong. Investigate the Influence of Textile Material Type on Drug Release Capability of Knitted Fabric Containing Ibuprofen - Loaded Microcapsules. 13th SEATUC SYMPOSIUM, 14-15 March 2019. Hanoi. Vietnam, 195-200pp. ISSN 2186-7631. 20.Nguyen Thi Tu Trinh, Chu Dieu Huong*. Chapter 34 “Influence of Elastane Yarn Ratio on Creep Behaviour of Single Jersey Fabrics. Book of Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on “Physics, Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”. October 7, 2020. NOVA Science Publishers (SCOPOUS ranking). ISBN: 978-1-53618-255-2. | |
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Nghiên cứu sinh đang hướng dẫn: | Nguyễn Thị Tú Trinh Đề tài: Nghiên cứu cơ sở thiết kế và chế thử quần tập thể thao tạo áp lực cho phụ nữ tuổi trung niên có sử dụng băng hỗ trợ giảm béo. Thời gian : 5/2016-5/2020 | |
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